Corporate Customers: loves working with businesses of all sizes. Our website makes it easy to track your purchases, view invoices, pay balances and re-order your SMART and audiovisual products.
Create a Corporate Account today to qualify for special payment terms, discounts and more. Corporate Customers may be approved for Net 45 day terms with submission of a valid Purchase Order.
Register HERE
Please submit your purchase order
By Email: gladly accepts the following payment options:
- Visa / MasterCard / American Express / Government Purchase Card
- Debit Cards with a Visa or MasterCard logo
- PayPal
- Net 45 Day Terms (upon approval)
Orders can be mailed to:
632 Wet 28th street, FL 7
New York, NY 10001
United States
Note: Unless otherwise advertised, all shipments are F.O.B. Shipping Point