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Corporate Customers: loves working with businesses of all sizes. Our website makes it easy to track your purchases, view invoices, pay balances and re-order your SMART and audiovisual products. 

Create a Corporate Account today to qualify for special payment terms, discounts and more. Corporate Customers may be approved for Net 45 day terms with submission of a valid Purchase Order.

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By Email: gladly accepts the following payment options:

  • Visa / MasterCard / American Express / Government Purchase Card
  • Debit Cards with a Visa or MasterCard logo
  • PayPal
  • Net 45 Day Terms (upon approval)

Orders can be mailed to: 
632 Wet 28th street, FL 7
New York, NY 10001
United States

Note: Unless otherwise advertised, all shipments are F.O.B. Shipping Point


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CPS Warranty Included

Purchase this product worry-free with a complimentary 2-year extended warranty from CPS with ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE protection. Want even more coverage? Upgrade to a 3 or 4 year at a discounted price.

Manufacturer’s Pricing Policy

Why do I need to contact you in order to place my order?

As an authorized dealer for the product you are looking at, is bound by certain agreements with our manufacturer partners in how we display, price and sell certain products.

Some items may not be able to be advertised below a certain price or any pricing at all and others may not be able to be added to a shopping cart via an “add to cart” button.

If a competitor’s website has the same product but is not restricting the display/functionality in the same way that you see here on, than that competitor is likely NOT an authorized dealer.

What does that mean for you as the customer? It is very likely that the manufacturer may not honor your products warranty, or that your product was never intended for the US market to begin with.

If you have any questions regarding a specific product, please do not hesitate to contact us at (888) 392-4814.