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Projector Screen Blog

SXSW: Little Sister: Dark Charm and a Weird Soul

posted Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editor’s Note: The following review is part of our coverage of the 2016 South by Southwest Film Festival. For more information on the festival visit and follow SXSW on Twitter at @sxsw. There aren’t many films with a nun at their center without the words Sister or Act in their title. Far...
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SXSW: A Space Program Review - NP Approved

posted Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Space Program (2015) Cast: Hailey GatesDirector: Van Neistat, Tom SachsCountry: USAGenre: Documentary | Adventure | Drama | Sci-FiOfficial Trailer: Here Editor’s Notes: The following review is part of our coverage of the 2015 South by Southwest Film Festival. For more information visit
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Sounds of Cinema: Twin Peaks

posted Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Astute readers of this column will, at this moment, be looking at their screens slightly askance, with nose bunched in disbelief. “Whaaaaaaaat?”, you will say, “this is supposed to be a column about the sounds of cinema, yet I see here before me a title hinting at sounds of the merely televisual.”...
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So You Like Movies: The Necessary Evil of Twitter

posted Saturday, October 5, 2019

Editor’s Note: So You Like Movies is a series on a film critic’s first year in the trenches. Catch up on past editions here. As a child, my father used to impart to me small words of wisdom that I assume he had either seen in a movie or had been told to him. One particular saying that has managed...
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Top 10 Horror Movies

posted Saturday, October 5, 2019

>> My Selections 1. The Shining (Kubrick, 1980) 2. Diabolique (Clouzot, 1955) 3. Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960) 4. The Blair Witch Project (Myrick & Sánchez, 1999) 5. Twentynine Palms (Dumont, 2003) 6. Suspiria (Argento, 1977) 7. Funny Games (Haneke, 2007) 8. Audition (Miike, 1999) 9. The Descent...
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Top 10 Asian Horror Films

posted Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Editor’s Notes: Rigor Mortis is now out in limited theatrical release. Horror films have been terrifying me since I first set eyes on them. As a genre, there are many reasons for the seemingly constant production and audiences keep coming back for the thrill of the scare. Asian horror films are in...
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Spotlight on Contemporary Korean Cinema: Kim Ki-duk, Filmmaker

posted Tuesday, August 6, 2019

This article is the first part in Rowena’s three part series on Contemporary Korean Cinema entitled ‘Kim Ki-duk and the Cinema of Embodied Unpleasures‘. From 1996 to 2008, filmmaker Kim Ki-duk produced an astounding output of fifteen feature films, averaging at times two films per year. Each film...
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